When it comes to addressing tooth loss, dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants can provide you with permanent, stationary and natural-looking new teeth that look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Implant surgery involves placing an artificial tooth root into the jawbone. Anesthesia and Dental Implant Surgery With […]
0 Comment +Read MoreMost people associate missing teeth with loss due to severe decay or injury. However, some people are born with missing teeth. Like teeth lost to trauma or other issues, congenitally-missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants. It is not all that uncommon for some people to have teeth that simply don’t come in. This […]
0 Comment +Read MoreAdvances made over the years in implant dentistry have resulted in the development of new options for addressing tooth loss that have numerous benefits over traditional tooth replacement options. Today, dental implants are the tooth replacement option most people choose as implants are permanent, natural-looking and allow you to eat any foods you like. How […]
0 Comment +Read MoreImplant dentistry makes it possible for those who have lost teeth to enjoy the benefits of a complete, permanent smile. Even if you have only one missing tooth, replacing it with an implant can prevent serious issues from developing in the future. Why Replace a Missing Tooth? A single missing tooth might not seem like […]
0 Comment +Read MoreIf you have one or more missing teeth, getting a tooth implant can greatly improve your quality of life. With your new tooth or teeth, you can smile, eat, and talk with confidence, as well as maintain the overall shape of your face by avoiding long-term bone atrophy. Why It’s Important to Replace Missing Teeth […]
0 Comment +Read MoreDental implants represent a state-of-the-art means of getting new, natural-looking teeth that come complete with tooth roots. They help keep your jawbone healthy and ensure that you’ll be able to eat all the foods you love. You might need to visit more than one type of dentist for the full procedure, depending upon your particular […]
0 Comment +Read MoreA dental bridge is often used to replace one or two teeth that have teeth remaining on either side. The bridge is anchored to the adjacent teeth with crowns or wires. Dental implants can also be used to replace only one or two missing teeth without requiring reshaping of the adjacent teeth. When several teeth […]
0 Comment +Read MoreWhen the gums are receding, the roots of the teeth are exposed which can leave teeth susceptible to damage and loss. If you have receding gums, your gum recession must be dealt with before you can have dental implants placed. This is because dental implants require a stable & sufficient jawbone and healthy gum tissue […]
0 Comment +Read MoreIn order for a dental implant to succeed, the patient must be in good oral and overall health and do an excellent job of maintaining optimal oral hygiene once the implant has been placed. One of the main benefits of dental implants in Las Vegas is that 95 – 98% of all dental implants are […]
0 Comment +Read MoreAs highly reliable, permanent replacements for missing teeth, the vast majority of dental implants are successful. In fact, the success rate for dental implants is between 95 – 98%, which is one of the many reasons implants are so popular. However, just like the natural teeth, implants can suffer trauma wherein they become loose. There […]
0 Comment +Read MoreDental implants are the most advanced, state-of-the-art type of tooth replacement. It’s important to have your new implants checked on a regular basis to be sure they have bonded properly with the jawbone and to be sure no inflammation is occurring in the gums. Initially, your dentist might prefer to have you visit more often […]
0 Comment +Read MoreIf you are missing back molars, you should speak to a dentist that provides Las Vegas dental implants as you can replace any missing teeth with implants including back molars. Your back molars help you chew food properly and they also affect your overall bite while easing some of the excessive pressure put on the […]
0 Comment +Read MoreUndergoing treatment for dental implants in Las Vegas should be treated much the same way as undergoing any other surgical procedure. So how long do you need to tell your boss you’re going to be out of commission? That depends on the procedures you’re facing. What the Procedure Entails The dental implant procedure itself involves […]
0 Comment +Read MoreDental implants are the best choice to replace missing teeth. If you choose not to replace your teeth, you can develop long-term problems that affect your bite and your remaining teeth, including the possibility of losing even more teeth. What Happens if I Do Not Replace Missing Teeth? Missing teeth are fairly common, and can […]
0 Comment +Read MoreIf you have missing teeth, a tooth implant is the best choice for tooth replacement. An implant includes an artificial root as well as a functional crown, providing stability, longevity, and a natural appearance. The Structure of Dental Implants Dental implants are the only form of tooth replacement that includes an artificial tooth root. Dentures […]
0 Comment +Read MoreOrthodontic treatment is often recommended for patients who experience malocclusions, also known as a bad bite. Many people associate orthodontic treatment with braces and teens, but it’s increasingly common for adults to seek orthodontic help such as wisdom teeth removal these days as well. When you have missing teeth and are considering dental implants to […]
0 Comment +Read MoreDental implants make it so people with missing permanent teeth do not necessarily have to turn to dentures in order to smile, speak, and eat confidently. Dental implant surgery depends largely on the successful integration of surgical titanium posts into the jawbone, which is a process known as osseointegration. If not completed or taken care […]
0 Comment +Read MoreTooth loss is not unusual, particularly as we age. We can lose our teeth in a variety of ways, whether from tooth decay or trauma. With today’s state-of-the-art tooth replacement options, including dental implants, you can regain your smile no matter what causes your tooth loss. What are the Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss? […]
0 Comment +Read MoreIt’s easy to take for granted all of the hard work your natural teeth do while you’re speaking and eating. It’s only when the permanent teeth start to fall out that people realize how important the teeth really are. Missing teeth cause a change in bite pattern and strength. Dentures have long been used to […]
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